She came from The North. He, from The South. Through coincidence, a friend, and a shared love of art and light, Clete and Chloe's hearts were always destined to work together. Somewhere between Minnesota and Texas, in the land of Nashville, their paths would cross and the tale began. It was the year 2005 at Watkins College of Art and Design, that the two would hone their craft. He studied photography while she studied photography and film. As time went on their bond and love for one another grew ever so strong. They wandered the many paths of life, together, since 2009. All that time and all those miles together. Their destinies finally became clear, story telling through photography. They had no limits except their own imagination. With no specific expression in mind they were able to meet all the needs of any type of client. They let everyone know the key to entering Scouse House was an idea and the need for a moment to be captured. They made photography affordable, available, and efficient for everyone.